Let's talk about front-loading...

Front-loading. While we all do this, we often do it by default rather than intention.

So, what is front-loading? Dictionary.com defines it as the act or practice of concentrating on something at the beginning of a process or period.

We do this when we prepare for staff to return, and they, in turn, prepare for children and families.

We ensure that all health and safety requirements are in place, the environment and materials are ready, and training and professional development is planned for and implemented.

Front-loading is something we do naturally… in certain situations – like the above.

Yet, we could place more intention in certain areas, such as developing and nurturing highly effective teams.

One area that stands out in highly effective teams is personal leadership, which focuses on taking responsibility for one's personal development to positively increase personal and team results.

I refer to this as "will" versus "skill". Or, another way to put it is, "You can have the best training in the world, but if you don't put that training to use, what good is it?"

And this is often what I see in our field.

We spend a lot of professional development time and money on building skill sets and knowledge base, but we rarely address mindsets, values, and beliefs that impact the outcomes.

Interested in learning more?

Then, stay with me over the next few weeks as I discuss the personal mindsets of highly effective teams that directly impact results.

And, if you would like to know more about the leadership training I provide, you can reach me at deidre.harris@teamagreements.com.

Deidre Harris