My TA VIP Program
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We are so used to “doing” as a way of “having” and thinking it will help us to “BE” a certain way.
Ex: If I do a lot of work, I will have a lot of money and “BE” rich.
We see this all the time in the ads around us.
EX: If you buy this product (doing), you will have a perfect… body, teeth, hair, etc., and will “BE” popular, attractive, sexy, etc.
The idea is to convince us that we are not enough on our own. We will need a particular (fill in the blank) to “BE” what we want.
What would it be like to start with a way of “BEING”?
And I get this is a very different way of thinking for most of us. So, to help you along, I created a little cheat sheet called “Ways of Being”.
Click here to download it and then choose your word for the year or just the month, week, or day.
Then, practice just “BEING” that way.
Reducing Triangulation
We’ve all gotten pulled into or recruited to fix others’ conflicts. Join Digging with Deidre, where she takes you through a four-step process for remaining supportive and natural.
Circle of Influence
People are back to feeling depressed, disheartened, and disempowered. Many have expressed fear and worry about the new federal mandates. There is a feeling of having policies thrust upon them regardless of beliefs and values or feeling resentful of those who “just don’t care about anyone else” when it comes to being unvaccinated.
I think we can all agree that with the rise of COVID cases, deaths, quarantines, and mandates, we are all back to being highly stressed, regardless of whether you believe in getting vaccinated or not.
For the next hour, we’ll be doing a series of interactive exercises designed to shift you from anger, resentment, and victim, to calm and in control.
Setting the Stage for Team Meetings
We’ve all been in meetings that have been great and meetings that haven’t gone so well.
So, the question is… what makes a great meeting? What can we put into place to increase the likelihood of all of our meetings going well?
I’ve been having quite a few conversations with people about this very topic and thought I would dig a little deeper.
Building School Culture
Building a collaborative schhol culture takes time and yet its so important. Listen in on a short four-minute clip and then let the My TA community know your thoughts.