Build those muscles!
Having a team with high emotional intelligence takes practice, just like building a muscle.
Over time and with regular practice, the team will internalize and use the skills without thinking, similar to muscle memory.
So, knowing that we already have a gazillion other things to do, how can we build our team's emotional intelligence without adding more workload?
Well… first we get to acknowledge that there will be some upcurve, meaning additional work. There's just no way around it. Yet, just like anything else we do, the time we put into this effort will save us sooooo much time and effort later on. The benefits of a team with high emotional intelligence are improved communication, better conflict resolution, and increased productivity. These are the rewards that await us on the other side of the upcurve.
And there's no time like the present. So, let's get started!! Remember, each one of us plays a crucial role in this journey. It's not just about the team, it's about each individual contributing to the collective emotional intelligence. Let's take the first step together.
We'll start with a few strategies for building emotional awareness based on Dr. Greaves' book, Team Emotional Intelligence 2.0:
· It starts at the top. Sometimes, we forget we're part of the team. And that our emotions influence those around us and can set the "tone" for how staff react. It's essential for us to practice the following strategies as well.
Establish check-ins. Many teachers have "feeling" check-in boards for children as they arrive at school. Try something similar for staff in meetings. It can be a board with emotional characters or a quick poll. The goal is to get staff comfortable with sharing their feelings regularly.
Get to know your teams under stress. Ask staff to describe what happens within the team when one or more team members are under stress. What are 1-2 situations that tend to stress the entire team? How does the whole team react? The goal here is to acknowledge team dynamics around stress, not to blame, shame, or try to solve the situation.
Revisit team values. Values tell us how to behave or "BE" in the workplace. They go beyond the poster hanging in the office or hallway to acting as a compass. Make sure your values are concrete. Make a matrix so everyone knows how the values look, sound, and feel in different situations. Use the power of your values to guide your discussions. Include them on your agendas as reference points. Refer to your values before and after challenging conversations.
Supporting your teams in raising their emotional awareness will give them the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the educational field proactively.